Employee in the spotlight: Wouter van der Toorren

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by Wouter van der Toorren/ on 16 Jul 2024

Employee in the spotlight: Wouter van der Toorren

At TechNative, we believe in giving tech loving organizations control over their platform. Wouter our Cloud engineer is a fine example of this. With 20+ years of Tech experience under his belt Wouter is a valued member of the managed service team. He helps our customers with insight and control on their platform.

What do you like about working for TechNative?

I enjoy working at TechNative because it’s a smaller company, and we’re always on the lookout for new technologies while also diving deep into existing ones. The diversity in expertise and age among colleagues is really inspiring. Regardless of experience and age, everyone has their place in the company.

Can you share a funny story or anecdote about something that happened in the workplace?

There are so many! We have a lot of fun together. One recent example is a colleague who, despite having extensive knowledge and experience, still calls himself a ‘Junior.’ We ran with this and started giving him the most ridiculous job titles whenever a project or task comes up. For example, we’d say, “This is something for our Professional Certified Junior Associate to do.” It’s become a running gag.

What achievement are you most proud of and why?

As a relatively small company, we completed the migration of an on-premise server park to AWS for an international client who is a major player in e-commerce, all within the set deadline. The project took one year. I am proud of what I achieved on a personal level but also what we achieved together as a team.

What is your favorite office tradition and why?

Hmm, that’s a tough one. I don’t really like “favorite” questions, because I can´t choose since there are often many things to choose from. But I think it would have to be the informal discussions at the coffee/bar table. We talk about both business and personal matters there, while enjoying a snack and a drink.

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